

分类:新闻动态   点击:1012 次  发布:2021-09-02

2021年9月1日上午8点,郑州市第十一中学国际部召开了一场别开生面的线上开学典礼,郑州市第十一中学校长郭勤学、圣玛丽中学校长Frank Phillips、第十一中学副校长弋松伟、国际部副主任姜春春以及国际部全体师生参加了这场特别的开学典礼。

主持人:2024届新生许静怡  马钰昊


圣玛丽中学Frank Phillips校长
美方校长Frank Phillips表示他非常开心出席十一中国际部新学期的线上开学典礼,他首先对十一中国际部全体教职工的辛勤付出给予高度肯定。对于郑州经历的特大暴雨,远在美国的他表示非常关切。他幽默地说道,“俄勒冈与周边地区几乎每年都干旱,而且经常发生由干旱引起的火灾。我多么希望我们这边能够分到郑州的一些雨量,这样,两边皆安乐欢喜!”他还特意提到今年刚加入国际部的外教Mr.Kotler,Mr.Kotler是Frank校长在2009年带过的学生,也是当年圣玛丽中学的优秀毕业生。他相信新成员的加入会给十一中国际部注入新鲜血液,助其蓬勃发展。


美方教务长Mr.Fegley 介绍了外教团队,今年新加入的两位外教Mr.Kotler和Miss.Xue也将讲授新的课程,他们年轻有活力,也一定会受到同学们的喜欢。教务长分别嘱咐三个年级的学生,无论是即将升学的12年级,还是对校园已经熟悉的11年级,都有义务给10年级的学弟学妹做好榜样,所有学生都要立志做一个帮助别人、回报社会的人。同时他也嘱咐教师团队,网课期间需要付出更多耐心,不断学习,不断成长。


Mr.Fegley's speech

Good morning everyone, and welcome to the start of a new year.

It goes without saying that this a has been a challenging summer. We all lived through the flood and the lockdown together, so I don’t feel the need to recap it. However, it’s worth pointing out that given all that we’ve been through, school should be a piece of cake! What’s calculus compared to the floods? What’s TOEFL compared to not being able to leave our homes for a full month?

During the summer, the thing I was most impressed by was the way the city pulled together and worked to overcome the challenges. What we went through was too big for any one person to handle, but together, the city of Zhengzhou thrived.

Yesterday in class, my students told me about how they helped carry water for their neighbors during the flood, or how they assisted with covid testing during the outbreak. These are the things that matter. Math, English, science… We study these things because they’re important to society, and to our success in school, but they’re not what make us good people. Helping those in need and supporting our communities; that is what matters most. I suggest each and every one of you find time to ask yourself every day how you helped the communities you belong to, and how you can help them more tomorrow.

You belong to many communities. Your country, your province, your city, and your family. For the students in the audience, the community you’ll spend the most time in this year is your school. It’s the community that you’ll have the most opportunity to influence, and that will have the most opportunity to influence you.

Grade 10 students, you are new to our community. Welcome! Some of you may be nervous, but I’m excited. This year you will transform from middle school students into high school students, and I’m excited that I get to be a part of that process.

Grade 11, welcome back. If you aren’t happy with how last year went, this is a great time for a fresh start. If you are happy with how last year went, you have the opportunity to keep the momentum going. This is the year you transform from high school students into international school students. Also, this is the year you take precalculus so… good luck!

Grade 12, this is the year you prepare for your next big step. This year you will transform from international school students into university students. You’re also the leaders of our program now, and I think this class is especially equipped to be great leaders.

Before I wrap up, I have a few words for the teachers. Actually, one word: patience. All of us have been through a lot this summer, and now we’re online. Everyone knows that’s not ideal, but it’s the best we can do with a tough situation. Be patient. Be patient with online teaching, be patient with your students, be patient with your colleagues. But don’t forget to be patient with yourself. You’re going to make mistakes, and you’re going to get frustrated. Be patient with yourself and don’t forget that just because you’re a teacher, it doesn’t mean you’re done learning and improving.

Welcome to the new school year everyone. I think it’s going to be a good one.





大家好!我是高一年级 10.1班的柳芊颍。感谢学校能给予我代表新生发言的机会,我也很荣幸能代表全体新生在此发言。首先请允许我向全体老师们表示深深的敬意,向高年级的学哥、学姐们表示亲切的问候!

Dear distinguished leaders, teachers, parents and students:

Hello everyone!

I am Emily, Liu from Class 10.1 of Zhengzhou No.11 High School International department. Thank you to the school for giving me a chance to give a speech as the freshman class representative, it is an honored to be here and speak on behalf of my class. First of all, please allow me, to pay my highest respects to the leaders, the teachers, and extend my sincerest greetings to the seniors!


Farewell to the restless hot summer and welcome to the golden fall coming with hope; Farewell to the relaxing long vacation and welcome to the rich new semester before us. /The sweat that was once spent in the hard work of our three years of junior hihg school is now rewarded by the success of this moment.


During the vacation, we went through a lots. A rainstorm fell without warning, raging floods took away the vivid images of the city.  Roads collapsed, vehicles were submerged, and many people were trapped by the ruthless flood,/the whole city was forced to stop running.

面对洪水的侵袭,我们很悲痛,但越是悲痛我们越是团结:救援人员和志愿者们与时间赛跑,奔赴前线挽救了无数生命;许多商店敞开大门,为不能回家的人们-提供饮食住宿,在家的人们,在网上传播救援信息、协助救援,使许多人的求救信息被看到… 在所有人的团结下,我们共度了难关!经历了洪水,我们看到了人间的温情,郑州人民也因此变得更加团结。

After the flood, we were stricken,/ but the more sorrow we felt, the more united we became:/ rescuers and volunteers competed against time and rushed to the front line of the disaster;- Many shops opened their doors to provide food and accommodation for people who could not go home. People at home spread rescue information on the Internet to assist rescue teams, /this allow many distress signals to be seen... / Because we are united, we got through the difficulties together! After experiencing the flood, we felt the warmth of the world through the care we showed to each other.

紧接着,疫情再次来临,德尔塔病毒悄悄在郑州扩散,郑州再次陷入了危难… 封城、隔离、开学延迟… 我们尽量不与他人接触。期间,可爱的医护人员们不分昼夜的为我们做核酸检测,人们都尽力配合… 终于, 在我们严格的疫情防护下,我们迎来了解封,城市也重新恢复正常,但是这不代表疫情完全结束,所以我们的预科学习由线下转至线上,在老师们的辛勤指导与帮助下,所有学生坚持每天学习,不断进步… 我们再次携手共度了难关!

Then, the epidemic came again, /the Delta viriant spread quietly through Zhengzhou, and once again Zhengzhou fell in danger... The city closing,  quarantines and delay school openings... /We worried about coming into contact with others.

During this period, lovely medical staff did covid tests for us day and night, and people tried their best to cooperate...

Finally, with our strict epidemic prevention, the city opened up and returned to normal. However, this does not mean that the epidemic is completely over. Therefore, our classes have been transferred online for now

With  the teachers' guidance and the students' hard work, once again, we overcome the difficulties by striving together.


Facing the pleasant cool breeze in September, bathing in the gorgeous autumn sun, we enter the first year of high school. We are excited and look forward to starting a new journey with pride.


In this new term and new beginning, we have our new motivations and goals, and we will continue writing our own colorful chapters with our fierce determination.


First of all,  we need to set our goals for the year ahead. Have you ever thought about which university you want to choose and what career do you want to work in? If the answer is no, then we can turn to our teachers for help: A teacher is like a lighthouse, when we are lost and hensitant, teachers are always there to guide us to the right path, so we can always ask teachers for help because they are experienced and excellet. Our teachers can give us valuable advice that we can use to establish our own goals so we can sail out on the boat of life.

第二:我们要严于律己。在漫长的假期中,我们或许会有所懈怠,但是我们要及时调整好自己的状态, 迎接全新的学习生活,就像顾炎武先生,要求自己每日读书,并坚持做读书笔, 后来他成为了一名伟大的思想家。有了目标后,我们要严格要求自己,要自律自省。

Secondly, we should be strict with ourselves. During this long vacation, we might have become too relax, so we will need adjust ourselves, just like Mr. Gu, yanwu/ he required himself to read books everyday and take notes/ at last, he became a  brilliant philosopher. When we have a goal, we must be strict with ourselves, using self-discipline and self-reflection.

第三:我们要坚持不懈。爱迪生实验了6000多次,但都以失败告终… 面临一次次的挫折,他从未放弃,最终成为了被世人所敬仰的物理学家;英国著名作家狄更斯不论刮风还是下雨,都坚持每天去接头观察、谛听,积累丰富的生活资料,最终他在文学上取得了巨大的成功。在高中生活中,我们一定也会面临很多挫折与困难,但是我们不能放弃,要迎难而上。

Last but not least, we should be persistent. Edison experimented more than 6000 times, and each attempt ended in failure... During the repeated setbacks, he never gave up, then finally became an inventor who was respected by the world. Charles, Dickens, a famous British writer who insisted on listening to and observing the streets every day, no matter if it was windy or rainy to collect material for his books. through his fiereced determination he achieved great success as a writer. During high school life, we will certainly face many setbacks and difficulties, but we should never give up, and face the difficulties head on.




Let's stick to our goals, be strict with ourselves, and never give up in the next three years. Let's break through the fog of doubt and pass through the difficulties together!

I hope the shcool will continue to prosper, the teachers remain healthy, and the students achieve their goals!

 Thank you!





国际部隶属郑州市第十一中学,经河南省教育厅批准【教外(2015)273号】教育部备案,也是美国大学理事会认证学校(CEEB CODE:694023),由河南省首批示范性高中郑州市第十一中学联合美国俄勒冈州百年名校美国圣玛丽中学共同创办,以美国学校课程为核心,使用全英教材,加入中国标准课程,两国课程内容做到相辅相成。中美学分互认,全部课程考试合格后学生可同时获得郑州市第十一中学和美国圣玛丽中学颁发的高中毕业证书。经过中外教师、莘莘学子的共同努力,历届毕业生硕果累累,100%升入国外大学,美英澳加全面开花,这里成为中原学子直达国外名校的人才培育高地。




