
Listening & Speaking -----Grit 张智萍

分类:课题研究   点击:1800 次  发布:2020-11-03

Listening & Speaking



I. Analysis of the teaching materials

The main teaching materials for this class consist of two audio clips cut from a 6-minute TED video titled The Key to Success--Grit. In the video, the speaker’s clear and authentic pronunciation and intonation serve as perfect examples for students to practice their listening and speaking. Even better, what she argues about grit and the way to build it are exactly what high school students need when faced with difficulties and setbacks. Two parts of the video, respectively “the definition of grit” and “the way to build grit”, are cut out and converted into audio clips for students to learn and appreciate in this class. Also, two sets of exercises are designed out of the extracts to help students have a deeper understanding of content.

II. Analysis of the students

On account of the fact that students’ listening and speaking abilities are not tested in the college entrance examination in Henan province, it is only natural that my students should bury themselves in doing piles of English exam papers, cramming into their heads sets of grammars as well as words and phrases, not taking speaking and listening seriously. Consequently, quite a number of students lack systematic training in English speaking and listening at school and are a bit weak in these aspects.

On the other hand, teenagers of this generation live in a time of active cultural exchange. Western cultures such as movies, music, festivals,sports and even fashion styles enjoy unprecedented popularity among Chinese young people just like my students. Influenced and motivated by their idols in English-speaking countries, they feel the desire to have a better command of English in terms of listening and speaking, expecting to experience a new world opened by this language. This desire comes as a strong driving force to push them to get fully involved in the learning process and can hopefully optimize their learning outcome .  

III. Teaching objectives

By the end of the class, students will be able to:

1. tell what grit is and how to build it using words learned in this class.

2. improve their predicting skills and ability to listen for specific information;

talk about previous life and study as well as how to handle setbacks in the future.

3. appreciate the value of grit and apply it to everyday life and study.

IV. Teaching focus & difficulties

1.Listening for specific information.

2.Reflecting on study and life inspired by what they’ve learned about “grit” .


V. Teaching procedures:

IP=Interactive Pattern;

GW=Group Work; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW=Pair Work







Do you desire success in learning?

What do you think the key to success is?

Brainstorm for words that might lead to success..


To draw students’ attention to the topic.






The title of the talk you are going to hear is “The key to success? Grit”.

What do you think grit means here?

Discuss in pairs the possible definitions of “grit”.

To familiarize students with words related to the topic to facilitate listening.


To get students ready for listening.


Task 1




Listening for the definition of “grit”


a) Study the extract from the talk and try to think of one word    

for each blank.(2’)(IW)

  Then listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(twice,1’)(IW)

Grit is ________ and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is _______ with your future, day_____, day _____, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for ______, and working really hard to make that future a ________. Grit is living life like it's a _________, not a sprint.

b)Check notes with your partner and modify your definition of “grit”(3’)(PW)

Can you tell what grit is in your own words with what you’ve learned?(2’)(CW)




To train students’ predicting skills and their ability to listen for specific information.







To help students process the listening material and check whether they’ve taken in what’s learned in this part.

Task 2





Listening for the way to build “grit”


a) Study the extract from the talk and try to infer the correct   

answer. (2’)(IW)

Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.(twice-three times, 3’)(IW)

1. So far, the best idea the speaker has heard about building grit in kids is something called “growth mindset”. (T) & (F)

2. “Growth mindset” holds the belief that _______.

A .the ability to learn is fixed with your effort

B. the ability to learn can change with your effort

C. the ability to learn only grows with your effort

3. When kids read and learn about the brain, they are more likely to persevere when they fail. Why?


b)Check notes with your partner. (1’)(PW)

c)Based on your notes, can you tell how to build grit in your

own words?(2’)(CW)


To train students’ listening skills including predicting and listening for specific information.








To help students consolidate what they’ve just got and train their speaking ability.

Discussion & Presentation
















a)Work in groups. Discuss these questions below.(6’)(GW)

•To you, what is the cross?

•Have you ever cut down the cross on your shoulder?

•With what you’ve learned today, how will you deal with setbacks in the future?


Useful sentences taken from the extract:

To me, the cross is....

I once/never cut down the cross on my shoulder because....

In the future, I’m more likely to....

Also, with this lesson, I hold the belief that ....


b)Share your stories with (8’)(CW)

The teacher gives real-time feedback on the presentations.

To help students further internalize the idea “grit” by relating the cartoon to their own life.



To put linguistic knowledge in the extract to use.


To guide students to organize and express thoughts in a logical way, thus improving their presentation skills.

Homework (1’)

Please write about one person that you think is gritty and share with us one of his/her stories next class.

Additional Resources (1’)

