
Module 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 袁蕾

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Module 2 Unit 4  Wildlife protection


Learning Objectives:

By the end of the class, the students will be able to:

1. Master the content of the listening material and act it out

2. Improve their listening skills, especially the ability to listen for specific information.

3. Fully aware of the present situation of endangered animals and get to know ways to save them from extinction.


Task 1: General listening: Listen to the story, and answer the questions

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. Why does dodo believe that Man is telling the truth?

3. When did dodo realize Man killed his species?

4. According to the story, what do you think of dodo?Could you find some adjectives to describe dodo?

The purpose of this design: As the listening is very easy to understand, I am not give some questions instead of multiple choices to let students get a general understanding of the story.

Task 2 Detailed Listening: Listen once again and fill in the blanks

I was _________ and ____________ and quite different from most of the other animals there. I liked to make friends with the other animals and never ____________. I had no ___________...

    My favourite activity was to ________ along the beach and wait till the ________ were ready to be _______.   

When more dodos______________, I set a ______. I __________ to go for my walk but instead I ______ in the forest and waited. Sure enough man came along. He __________ the last of my dodo friends and I saw him _______ her. I felt so angry that I _______ out straight at man’s ________. He killed me too. I was the last of my ________. After that there were ___ _________ dodos in the world. My advice is : be careful who you trust.

    The purpose of the design: to help students get a better understanding the story and be able to get some specific information.

Task 3. Show Time: Please act the story out

    The purpose of this design: to check once again the students get a clear aware of the story to serve the speaking.

Task 4: Watch a film to speak out the possible reasons for animals’ extinction

The change of weather like global warming

The emission of carbon dioxide

The use of artificial fertilizers  and  chemicals just like pesticides   


much more waste and trash  like plastic bags and bottles

Human beings kill, hunt and eat them

Lack of food..........

     The purpose: to guide students think more about human being that cause the animals extinction, at the same time, to serve for the speaking too.


Part 2 Speaking

Could you think of other animals like dodo? What kind of threat do you think they are facing? Now every group can choose a kind of animal that you think are endangered or have died out to make a presentation after discussing, along with a poster, where you can draw this animal if possible.

At first, I would like to introduce a familiar animal to set an example:

Name: Panda

Birthplace: China                          

Favorite food: bamboo

Features: clumsy  cute  foolish

          The giant panda lives in mountain ranges in central China. As a result of over farming, deforestation, and lack of food, they are driven out of their habitat where he once lived. But now the number of pandas is decreasing sharply.it is said there are only about 100 pandas remaining in the world. In order to save pandas , we are supposed to set up reserves, and don't interrupt their natural life. Meanwhile, provide more various food for them, especially bamboo. Besides.....

 The purpose: to improve the awareness of students to protect the earth and animals through their discussion and the poster-making, besides, they can have a deep understanding of the present situation animals are facing now.

Part 3 Summary :  enjoy a short video and make a summary

Protect the earth, Protect the animals

        Everyone shares a responsibility in helping to save endangered animals that live on Earth. We should be in harmony with environment and animals.

Part 4. Homework

Now according to your group discussion, write a passage to the World Wild Fund to tell your ways to protect all the wildlife.

The purpose: to enable students to form an article from what they have listened, seen and discussed.



