

分类:新闻动态   点击:1751 次  发布:2020-03-12



Mr. Fegley

      在郑州十一中国际部的孩子们眼中,尼克·菲格里(Nick Fegley)老师能力强,颜值高,扎小辫,有爱心,中文溜,爱钻研,深受学生和家长的喜爱。寒假开始后,Nick完全可以选择返回美国,等疫情平稳之后再回来,但是他选择留在了郑州。直播上课,看Nick Fegley怎么说!

This is, of course, a challenging time for all of us, but I’m very proud of how everyone has risen to the occasion. Like many of you, I am often frustrated, but I am not scared because I know my students are strong in mind, body and spirit. I am confident that each of you has the ability to rise to this occasion and meet this challenge.

I have some advice: First, use this as an opportunity to grow as a person. If you have some free time, you can use this time to learn something new. Maybe you always wanted to learn how to draw, or to sing, or maybe you want to practice your calligraphy. Put some time aside to do this. When you are at home for a long time, it’s easy to spend that time looking at WeChat or watching videos online, but if you use this time to do something more meaningful, you will feel better and your life will be more interesting. (And if you are doing something interesting, please share it with me! I love to see what my students are working on.)

Second, you’re not getting the same opportunities to talk with foreign teachers, so you need to make an extra effort to practice your English. This does not have to be boring. Of course, your English and literature classes are important, but you can also spend some time watching English-language movies or TV. Do it without Chinese subtitles! You may not understand everything you watch, but that’s ok. You may have to watch something two or three times. That’s ok too! You will find that if you spend your time improving your English in a way you find fun, your English will improve more quickly.

Finally, remember to stay healthy. Everyone knows to wash their hands. Everyone knows not to touch their faces. But you need to also remember to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and to exercise every day. Also, get the right amount of sleep. Teenagers especially need to get a good amount of sleep every night. If you are well rested, your health will be better, and you will find that your studying will be easier.

We are all here to support you if you need us. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on WeChat, DingTalk or Email if you need help with anything. I am your teacher and your dean, but more importantly, I am someone that cares a great deal about you.

Stay Strong,



       第二,日常与外教交流的时间变少了,所以你需要额外的努力来练习你的英语,但并不意味着那就很枯燥。当然,你的英语和文学课很重要,但你也可以花一些时间看英语电影或电视剧。 不要看中文字幕!你可能会不明白看到的所有东西,没关系;你可能得看两三次,那也没关系!你会发现,如果你花时间以一种你觉得有趣的方式提高你的英语水平,那么你的英语就会提高得更快。





   科学老师 Mrs.  Adams

      Mrs.  Adams是一位知性、魅力无穷的老师,平日里上课,“微笑姐”是她的代名词,疫情期间,她在自己的国家不忘学生,心系学生,网课直播,看她怎么说!

Hi guys. Missing you all so much. I never thought of missing all your antics in the classroom. I still imagine each one of you sitting in your assigned spot. It is just too bad that we can’t be in a classroom yet. This is a difficult time but we can all win this. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. We may not know it yet but eventually we will know the reason. Take this time as an opportunity to bond with your family. Know them more, spend quality time with them. Help your parents with household chores, clean your room, just do something. Keep yourself busy. Read a book, watch movies, find ways to learn even just one thing everyday. Nothing is permanent. This too shall pass.  As it is said, “tough times don’t last: tough people do.” Stay strong and we will all keep moving forward. I will see you all soon.

大家好!好久不见,非常想念大家。我从未像现在这样如此怀念你们在课堂上做出的滑稽的动作。我仍时不时的想起你们坐在你们的座位上。很遗憾我们还暂时不能回到班级里上课。我知道,我们现在正处于一个很艰难的时刻,但我们一定可以战胜它。我坚信,事出必有因,现在的我们虽然还没有找出病毒的起因所在,但总有一天会攻克这个难题。那么,就把这段时间当作是一个与家人增进感情的机会吧。你们可以借此增进对彼此的了解,共同度过这一段美好的时光。你可以做一些力所能及的家务,收拾房间,总而言之,帮他们分担点什么。不要让自己闲下来,你可以读一本书,看看电影,每天找点方法学会一个新的知识。没有什么东西是不可逾越的 ,一切都会过去。就像人们常说的那样“苦难终将终结,坚强之人永存。”面对疫情,只要我们坚定信念,勇敢面对,我们将永不止步,继续向前。期待不久后的相遇!


 数学老师  Mr. Kaspzyk

      素有阳光大男孩之称的Mr. Kaspzyk老师,是学生口中的“数字天才”美式幽默的上课风格,让很多学生难忘,数学符号是架起你我聊天的交流密码,疫情期间,网课直播总能以巧妙的方式将知识点,“发功”给学生,战胜疫情,共克时艰,看他怎么说!  

Hello friends! I look forward to the day when I can see each one of your faces back in the classroom. I became a teacher not for the money, not for fame, but for the relationships I share with my students and fellow teachers. Although these times may be hard, it's best to look for silver linings. I am truly amazed everyday at our ability to teach and learn despite being miles apart. We still find ways to make learning fun. We are strong together! The night is always darkest before the dawn! I will see you all very, very soon!








